Fitting table to printable page – Excel

Fitting table to printable page – Excel

Fitting table to printable page – Excel

Fitting table to printable page – Excel
Fitting table to printable page – Excel

Creating tables or preparing sheets is very simple to do for its users, most times friends and people often ask me, how to I fit in my table to print without cutting or dividing into segment. So, I decided to write this article on how to do so with 3 simple steps, which will get your table fitted in any size and layout preferred. In this guide we are not creating or developing any table, its to show you how to fit in your existing table to the printable layout without splitting its width to other pages while printing.

Fitting table to printable page – Excel

Steps to follow Preview your page: it is necessary to preview your page to see how it looks before doing any future adjustment which will be discussed here.

Fitting table to printable page – Excel
Fitting table to printable page – Excel

How to preview:

  • click on File menu scroll till you print then click print preview.

The above steps are relevant to users with 2007 to 2010, 2013 to the latest the preview is attached to the print action. In this tip I am using Excel 2016. Therefore, if you are using lower version later than 2013, you need follow the steps above. Now you have preview to see what you need to adjust next it adjusting/applying the changes.

Fitting table to printable page – Excel

Adjusting the Page to fit in preview layout:

page break preview
Fitting table to printable page – Excel
  • navigate to View menu
  • on the properties bar click page break preview
  • on the preview page click and drag the blue lines in between the page views to cover the specified width of the table
  • after the adjustment click on normal to then preview your print again, this time you will notice that the table fits in the print preview page.

On last thing to is to adjust the margin and align the table at the center of the page.

Print set up

print setup
Fitting table to printable page – Excel

Once you are done with the steps above the next thing to consider is setting up your page/print setup How to:

  • On the file menu click on page setup (Excel 2007 to 2010)
  • On the print and preview page click page setup below. (2013 to the latest version).
  • On the page setup dialog box, click margin tab
  • Here you can adjust the top, bottom, left and right margin to you preferred.
  • To align you table to center of the page, click the vertical and horizontal check box at the center on page section.
  • Click Ok to initiate the action.

On the preview page you will notice the changes. Now you have successfully set and align you table for printing. Lastly hit the print button to begin.

see also: 12 tips on how to organize windows 10 

This is a two-way tutorial, if you are not using an older version, you have to find the commands on file menu on separate tabs, though it necessary to always upgrade in order to enjoy better experience and new features of Excel. Did this article meet your help in resolving the challenge, what are your suggestions, contribution or questions, kindly use the comment section and don’t forget to invite by sharing. Do have a wonderful time, you can also subscribe to get updates from us.

Author: Zazasco

Am a professional with more than 5 years of experience in Graphic designing, Content Creation, Web/Mobile Development, Animation, Vfx, Photo/Videographer, Branding. Am so much passionate about what I do and always researching to improve myself to meet up with trends and demands, I love teaching and also open to learning new skills. For more info. About me send me a message indicating your questions and get a reply from me.

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