Creating ID card template for Canon Printers

Creating ID card template for Canon Printers

Creating ID card template for Canon Printers might be somehow challenging as a novice or advance user of Canon Printers.

In this tutorial I will be guiding you on how to manually create ID card template for yourself.

It is necessary to have an idea on how to configure or create a thing instead of requesting for an already made.

Though as you may not know you mustn’t know everything but an idea can safe you a lot of challenges here.

You might be wondering what kind of stress, let me state few of it, after which we will proceed to the business of the day.

Some common challenges you might prevent knowing how to create ID card template your self are:

Deleted: sometimes you might make a mistake of deleting a file you never intended thereby making you confused on the recovery process of the said file.

Corrupt file: this is very common in systems, sometimes it’s annoying or disheartening when after or on a process of using a file it corrupts has this happened to you how do you feel when it does.

Searching for downloadable templates: mostly it’s difficult to get your preferred match of your search results while using search engines like Google and the rest of them which get you really confused on what to do.

To prevent the basic challenge as stated above, you can now see that is necessary to have an idea on how to do it yourself.

This guide is for both Corel and Photoshop user with images to help you understand better.

If you are a Corel user, scroll down to CorelDraw Guide on creating ID Card Template

PhotoShop Guide on Creating ID Card Template

Creating ID card template for Canon Printers
Creating ID card template for Canon Printers
  • Launch your Photoshop application: After launching Photoshop application the next thing to do is.
  • Create a new document, now is time to input values on the width and height.
  • the width of the ID card tray is 5.1 inches, so endeavor to change to inches because the default is in pixel.
  • set the height to 8.7 inches, the resolution set it to 300 though it might be lesser or higher depending on the sharpness you needed though the default is also preferred,
  • make sure the orientation is portrait

next, it now time to setup the spaces top, bottom, left, right and the distance between your ID card,

note: you need to turn on your ruler to enable you do the setup effectively. use Ctrl + R to switch it on and off.

Point you mouse cursor at the top of the ruler and drag it down as shown in the image below

Creating ID card template for Canon Printers
Creating ID card template for Canon Printers

then click on the ruler and drag it, to the edges of the created layout, once that’s done. its time to measure the sections, note at the end your diagram should look like the one below

Drag the ruler to the edges of your layout
Drag the ruler to the edges of your layout

Determining the Distance between the ID card tray

The distance between the top and the edge of the ID card is 2.97 inches, getting this specific measurement in Photoshop using the ruler tool is kind of complicated and i would want to waste your time, i would recommend you create a new document and enter the figure as should in the image below.

creating a new document with height 2.97 inches
creating a new document with height 2.97 inches

Remember, in this tutorial we are working with PS 2019. as you know you don’t expect the interface to look exact as yours unless you are also using CC version from 2015 to the current version.

once you are done with the step above highlight your design are by holding “Ctrl + A” for windows or “CMD + A” for mac. and drag it to you main ID card template as shown on the clips below.

place the object from the top of your layout and drag the ruler line to the bottom of the object, doing so you have gotten the first measurement. Congratulations.

The distance from the bottom of the ID card is to the top is 2.3 inches, as we did the distance of the top to bottom, we can also repeat the same method for this if you feel like doing so, to save time, i will be changing the size of the current new document we created from 2.97 to 2.3 inches, all you need to do is change the image size by pressing and holding “Ctrl + alt + I” for windows users or “CMD + alt + I” for Mac. and change the height of the document to 2.3 inches as shown in the image below.

adjusting the newly created document image size to 2.3 inches
adjusting the newly created document image size to 2.3 inches

Taking a good look at the ID card tray, there is a distance between the two ID card, the distance is 0.26 inches, so this time we will have to adjust the width and not the height. let’s adjust the size of the new created document to 0.26 inches, so as to demarcate from the middle as shown in the image below.

determining the space between ID card
determining the space between ID card

then drag it to the ID card template we are working on. now its time to align it on the middle of the template. by clicking on the newly imported object, hold Ctrl or CMD and click on the background of the ID card layout.

transform section
transform section

on the transform controls, click align horizontal center and vertical center, to make it align to the center of the created layout. the drag the grid line from the vertical ruler bar to the right and left of the centered object. and also make sure your image looks like the one below. if its same congratulations, we are almost done with the template.

Almost done template
Almost done template

Lastly the width of the ID card itself is 2.1 inches, there won’t be any need to border about the height since we already gotten it, should in case you need to know, the height is 3.4 inches, you can measure for confirmation.

lets change the size of our newly created document for the last time, change the width to 2.1 inches and height to 3.4 inches.

resizing the new document to width: 2.1 inches and height: 3.4 inches
resizing the new document to width: 2.1 inches and height: 3.4 inches

note: always check the ratio if its lock to unlock it, so you can be able to change both sizes i.e. the width and the height without any disruption.

checking if object is aligned with the grid lines
checking if object is aligned with the grid lines

your image should look like the one below.

once this is done, drag the object to the ID card layout, duplicate the object and place it at the left and right side of the ID card layout. i used different colors on the object so you can understand it better, after placing the duplicated object, zoom in to see if its in its right place, then zoom out and drag the grid line to the left of the first object and to the right of the second object, as shown in the image below.

almost ready template
almost ready template

Wow, congratulations for a job well done. in this stage we don’t need the objects. click and delete them or if you wish to hide them, all you choice. your final image should look like this.

final overview of our created template
final overview of our created template

We are done creating ID card template in Photoshop, at the end of this tutorial.

CorelDraw Guide on Creating ID Card Template

There is no much difference creating ID card template in CorelDraw, what differs the two is the process used in creating them, the size, distance and others remains the same.

let’s now jump in to the processes creating the template.

Hopefully you have already launched your CorelDraw application if not do so now.

Create a new document set the unit of measurement to inches, the width set it to 5.1 inches and the height to 8.7 inches. as shown in the image below

CorelDraw layout size
CorelDraw layout size

Wow, done with the first step, next is to drag the grid line from the ruler bar to the edges of the created layout. once this is done your image should look like the one below

layout with grids at the edges
layout with grids at the edges

Now its time to determine the distance from the top to the ID card, as you already know from the Photoshop step the distance in inches is 2.97 inches, so therefore to achieve this, we will have to pick a rectangular shape tool or any tool that you can measure.

in this tutorial i will be using the rectangular shape. after picking the tool, insert in your document and change the height to 2.97 inches. and place it from the top of our created layout and drag the grid line from ruler bar to the bottom of the shape as shown in the image below.

layout with grids at the edges
shape with height 2.97 inches

We have gotten the top distance, lets determine the distance from the bottom of the layout to the ID card, and as you know the distance is 2.3 inches, lets insert another rectangle shape and change its height to 2.3 inches and place from the bottom of the layout and also drag the grid line from the ruler bar to the top of the shape as it shows in the image below

distance of 2.3 inches from the bottom
distance of 2.3 inches from the bottom

Lets determine the distance between the two ID cards at the middle. the said distance in inches is 0.26 inches. to accurately get this double click on the rectangular shape tool, to insert the shape on the layout, hold shift key on your keyboard, left click and drag the newly inserted rectangle from the side to the middle. as shown in the image below

middle distance of 0.26 inches
middle distance of 0.26 inches

or insert the shape and change its width to 0.26 inches and press P on the keyboard to bring it to the middle of the layout. and drag the grid line as usual to both sides of the shape as shown in the image below.

the middle distance size
the middle distance size

wow, we are coming to an end to this tutorial soon, how are you feeling, and how has been your experience so far. hopefully you are doing.

Congratulations for coming this far.

lets determine the size of the ID card itself, insert another rectangle shape, change its width to 2.1 inches and height to 3.4 inches, this serves as the size of your ID card itself. then place the newly inserted shape as in the image below

size of the ID card width 2.1 inches, height 3.4 inches
size of the ID card width 2.1 inches, height 3.4 inches

duplicate the shape and place on the other side of the layout, for you to understand better, i will be using different colors for the shapes, you final result will look like the image below.


Your layout is now becoming a blank template. the last thing you need to do is to delete the shape leaving just the grid lines. and the result will look like the image below.

Final Look of the template
Final Look of the template

Your template is set to accept designs. lastly, save your Job.

its necessary to save. and you know the implication of not saving.

so far how, did you understand the steps, how do you see this tutorial, what are your thoughts, suggestions, questions or contributions. please drop it in the comment section and don’t forget to share.

i promised to drop the both template files for download, click the below two files to download either the Photoshop or CorelDraw.

Photoshop, template download Link                        CorelDraw 2018, template download Link

Thanks for your time, have a lovely moments.

Author: Zazasco

Am a professional with more than 5 years of experience in Graphic designing, Content Creation, Web/Mobile Development, Animation, Vfx, Photo/Videographer, Branding. Am so much passionate about what I do and always researching to improve myself to meet up with trends and demands, I love teaching and also open to learning new skills. For more info. About me send me a message indicating your questions and get a reply from me.

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